
Whatever the cause or severity, you don't need to live with symptoms such as vaginal itching, burning, irritation and pain. Whether constant or intercourse-related, these symptoms should be brought to the attention of your health care provider.


Women have several options for improving vaginal dryness and increasing the health of vaginal tissue without a prescription and without using hormones. Self-care basics include increasing your water intake to be sure your entire body is properly hydrated and avoiding certain products that may increase dryness or irritate sensitive vaginal tissue. These include soaps, detergents, bubble bath, douches, feminine sprays and other products with allergens, dyes and fragrances. Kegel exercises may help increase circulation to the pelvic area to keep tissue healthy and strong. Regular sexual activity can also help boost your body?s ability to produce vaginal moisture even after menopause.
Water-based Lubricants. If dryness is a problem during sexual intercourse, a water-based lubricant like Astroglide can increase vaginal comfort. Always use a personal lubricant that's water-based and water-soluble, and slightly acidic (pH balanced) to match normal body fluids. This slight acidity helps inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms, particularly yeast. Never use a petroleum-based product, petroleum jelly, mineral oil or edible oil in place of a good personal lubricant. These can adhere to vaginal walls, masking infections and providing a place for harmful organisms to multiply. They can also damage latex condoms and diaphragms, compromising their effectiveness for safe sex or birth control.
Moisturizing Creams. Although lubricants are fine for occasional dryness during intercourse, vaginal moisturizing creams are formulated to help improve the health of vaginal tissues and moisturize the vagina for a longer period of time. Some formulas include phytoestrogens that may help to naturally replenish declining estrogen levels. Generally, a small of amount of these creams is applied two or three times a week. Moisturizers may also help maintain the acidic environment in the vagina and decrease infections.