Low Estrogen and Vaginal Dryness

For most women, however, vaginal dryness is a direct result of lower estrogen levels that occur naturally during menopause, after the ovaries are removed and at other times in life. Estrogen causes the vagina to thicken. When estrogen decreases, the tissues of the vagina naturally thin, become less elastic, drier and more fragile.

Low estrogen levels may result from:

  • Menopause,perimenopause, postmenopause
  • Hysterectomy and related surgeries
  • Menstrual cycle changes
  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Nursing
  • Some hormonal contraceptives
  • Endometriosis drugs
  • Infertility drugs
  • Stress, fatigue
  • Rigorous exercise
Over 80% of women suffer from vaginal dryness during perimenopause and beyond. For women who stop using HRT, vaginal dryness may be especially difficult.